Promptigo Bots

Unlock Autopilot ChatGPT. Forget Manual Work.

Sintra AI bots are the most powerful and versatile automation tools on the market. They can automate any task, from customer support to content creation, and they can learn and adapt to your specific needs.

Always On, Always Ahead.

Promptigo Bots operate 24/7, ensuring you're always ahead in the digital race.

Time-Saving Mastery

Automate tedious tasks. Reclaim hours. Focus on what truly matters.

Competitive Advantage

Promptigo Bots redefine efficiency, working tirelessly to transform mundane tasks into moments of digital brilliance.

Promptigo Bots

Proven & tested ready-made Bots for you to copy & paste into your daily work routine.

Trouble with setup? Get our team to build custom automations for you.

Apply to Sintra Exclusive

Promptigo Max

Meet Sintra Max. All of our best bots in one single place. So you never have to worry about manual work, ever.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Competitor Analysis Bot

Find your business competitors and receive a full AI analysis on how to exploit competitors' weaknesses.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Winning Product Finder Bot

Get a list of the top trending products to sell right now with Aliexpress links, reviews and more.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Discord Event Planner Bot

Automatically respond to Discord messages by answering questions relevant to your Discord server.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Agency Client Onboarding Bot

Get short summaries about the company from Typeform and directly create a task in Asana with all the information needed.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Linkedin Scraper Bot

Get a full analysis about the person you find interesting by only using their Linkedin profile.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Support Report Bot

This bot gathers all the responses from your Typeform and provides a brief analysis of what needs to be improved on your product.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Site Seed Bot

This AI bot writes the best-performing SEO blog posts using the most suitable keywords and automatically publishes them on your Webflow website.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Reddit Viral Bot

This AI bot will create immersive blog posts and will upload them to your desired Reddit page.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Customer Persona Bot

This AI bot will create a customer persona based on your search queries in Google Maps.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



CV Analyzer Bot

Get an analysis of the CV and find out if the person you want to hire is eligible for your business needs. Get a recommendation, scoring system and more.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Product Lister Bot

Automatically upload your products from Google Sheets to your website.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



SEO Site Analysis Bot

Makes a full analysis of your website and provides a concise summary of what needs to be improved.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



SEO Keywords Bot

Finds the best keywords for your website content and boosts SEO performance based on current market trends.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Web Scraper Bot

Expand ChatGPT capabilities by allowing access to the web directly from any input you select

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Research & Study Bot

Take photos of book pages, and AI will scan and read the pages to provide you a summary in plain and simple language

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



SEO Blog Writer Bot

Using keyword research tools, this bot writes entire blog posts based on top searched keywords, and sends automatically to your Google Docs.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Voice Image Prompt Bot

Leverage the power of your voice to create custom image prompts and receive AI-generated images in return.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Sales Letter Writer Bot

Using an input form, generate sales letters with an algorithm trained on the best copywriters and memorable sales letters

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Related Questions SEO Bot

Writes a full article based on most searched questions about a topic, then uses questions as subheadings for a blog article.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



LinkedIn Viral Poster Bot

Choose your favorite topics, let the bot pick the topic and write Linkedin posts. Customize, schedule and go.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Print On Demand Bot

Creates merch imagery based on your subjects using AI image generators and publishes merch items to your store

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



LinkedIn News Poster Bot

Enhance your Linkedin presence by automating engagement through RSS integration, allowing ChatGPT to post insightful commentaries on your behalf.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Google Maps Cold Email Bot

Using a Google Maps scraper and mass emailer you can set up A.I. powered auto cold emails that go out every day without intervention.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Instagram Auto-Comment Bot

Automate Instagram engagement with ChatGPT: effortlessly respond to comments and engage with fans on autopilot.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Facebook Auto-Comment Bot

Take your Facebook presence to the next level by effortlessly responding to comments and engaging with your fans on autopilot

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Email Autoresponder Bot

Your personal email assistant that reads and responds to emails you receive from specific emails or all emails in your inbox

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Generated Art Bot

Use DALL-E and Stable Diffusion to automatically publish captivating, AI-generated artwork on your Instagram feed.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Email Newsletter Bot

Writes newsletters for your topic by using the best examples of emails and articles on the internet

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Customer Support Email Bot

Power up your business with an A.I. chatbot trained on your data, seamlessly integrated into your customer support email system for automated service.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Cold Outreach Email Bot

Scrape emails from Linkedin, then automatically send personalized cold emails written by ChatGPT – all on auto-pilot.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Content Calendar Scheduler Bot

Takes topic ideas and mixes with content types to create a content calendar for as many days in the future as you want

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable



Youtube Description Bot

Automatically create descriptions for any YouTube videos on any channel, that are sent straight to your Google Docs.

Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable
