
Build the future of work, together

We Believe The Future Of Work Is Play. 🕹️

With promptigo, work becomes a game. Where you play while your bots work. All in the background.

Repetitive work has been slowly killing human creativity.

Break free from the cycle of monotonous work of responding to emails, managing finances, and pushing spreadsheets.

Let our advanced technology take care of the mundane.

So you can focus on what really matters - building meaningful change.

The Problem

This shouldn’t be normal.

Checking emails

The average worker in the US spends 3.5 hours checking emails every single day.

Pushing spreadsheets

With average employees spending 21 days in a year doing repetitive work.

Dying in meetings

And over with 62 meetings a month, half of those are considered wastes of time

Meet Promptigo AI

Empower creativity and efficiency with Prompot AI.

Revolutionize Your work with AI prompts and automation bots.

Focus on what matters.

Focus on what matters.

Set direction and build meaningful change.

Focus on what matters.

You do the strategy, bots do the work.Set direction and build meaningful change.

A Full Suite Of Helpers

Our automation bots are here to lend a helping hand in all aspects of your business, from social media management to boosting sales.

Meet our impressive lineup below!

Works 24/7

Where tasks are completed for you.

Simply assign tasks to our automation bots, and watch as they seamlessly integrate with your project management software, complete the tasks and provide detailed reports in real time.

Time saved

Reclaim valuable time and achieve more.

Measure your saved hours, tasks completed, and objectives fulfilled.

Accomplish more with fewer resources, maximizing productivity with Sintra AI's efficiency-driven approach.

Works, even when you don’t.

Experience the ease of automation 24/7.
Achieve greatness without lifting a finger.

What we offer

Our Products -
Your Revolutionary Work Solutions.

Where automation meets innovation.


Competitor Analysis Bot

Find your business competitors and receive a full AI analysis on how to exploit competitors' weaknesses.

View Bot
Button Text
Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable

Winning Product Finder Bot

Get a list of the top trending products to sell right now with Aliexpress links, reviews and more.

View Bot
Button Text
Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable

Discord Event Planner Bot

Automatically respond to Discord messages by answering questions relevant to your Discord server.

View Bot
Button Text
Easy setup, zero coding, plug & play file
Runs on autopilot using ChatGPT
Fully customizable and adjustable

Manages all your social media.

From posting on Instagram, to creating your next social strategy.


Finds new hires while you sleep.

Sends cold emails, develops relationships, and builds trust.


Gets you on top of search engines.

Instead of thinking about new topics, Seomi automatically does all the work.